Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

The holiday season is upon us and I would like to take a little time to give thanks to all of you. In my daily sometimes hectic life, I don't always get a chance to thank everyone that has made my life so much better. To all my family, friends, and people I do business with, thank you so much for everything. I really do appreciate everything you guys do. Have a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving!

Always wishing you the best,

Amit Bhuta
Real Estate Helper
Kendall Village Homes
(305) 439-3031

Monday, November 13, 2006

Tips on Saving on Homeowner's Insurance in South Florida

The cost of homeowner's insurance in South Florida has gone up dramatically in the last few years. It is not uncommon for a policy to double or triple from one year to the next. Obviously because of this, many people can no longer afford the home that they are currently living in. A local television station in South Florida ( recently did a segment on ways of saving money on homeowner's insurance, in some cases up to 40%. Please click on the link below to view the segment. Please allow up to thirty seconds for the video to load.

I hope this helps.

Amit Bhuta
Real Estate Helper
Kendall Village Homes
(305) 439-3031