Thursday, May 29, 2008

Easy Way to Save Some Cash

The average price of a gallon of regular gas in January of 2007 in the US was roughly $2.13. As you all are very aware of, the price of gas has gone up like crazy recently. Now the average price of a gallon of regular gas in the US is around $3.93. That's a little bit less than double in ONLY 16 months. This post on my blog isn't about the reasons why gasoline has gone up. If you are interested in those reasons, you can click on the following link, Reasons for Gas Price Increases.
The purpose of this post is to show you a way to save a little bit of cash.

If you visit my website,, I have a tool there where you can put in any zip code in the US, and it will tell you the cheapest price of gas (regular, midgrade, or premium) in that area. The prices are updated every 48 hours or sooner. It's amazing how sometimes the price of gas in Miami can fluctuate almost forty to fifty cents a gallon. I have been using this tool for the last few weeks and have been able to save ten to fifteen dollars a week. That might not sound like a lot, but it works out to about $700 a year. Here are some common sense tips that I am almost embarrassed to tell you, but just in case . . . .
  1. Don't drive ten miles out of the way to save money on the price of gas. Obviously if you do
    this, you won't be saving any money.
  2. Don't wait until you are almost empty to fill up. If you do this, you will be limiting your choices and may have to pay more than you have to.
  3. If you are going to be running errands, this would be the best time to check for the cheapest gas station that is close to where you are going.
  4. Last but not least. If you are waiting in a long line for gas, DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CAR RUNNING and burning gas. Instead just roll down your windows, turn your car off, and wait.

Hopefully the price of gas will start to go down again one day soon. But until then, please go to my website at and use my "cheapest gas" saving tool. Better yet, use the tool from now on even if prices do go down.

Amit Bhuta
Real Estate Helper
Kendall Village Homes
(305) 439-3031