Monday, February 16, 2009

Miami Herald's Reasons to Buy Now

In the Miami Herald today, there was an article that gave five great reasons people should buy real estate today instead of waiting. The reasons are below.

• Median home prices in South Florida are back to 2003 levels and some new, never-lived-in property is selling for less than it would cost to build a similar home.

Additionally, the median price for a single-family home -- now around $216,500 -- is starting to come within reach of households earning around the median income in Miami-Dade and Broward counties. That could unleash pent-up demand.

• Interest rates today are at record lows. This could save a buyer thousands more than buying at a cheaper price down the road when interest rates may be higher.

• There are eye-popping bargains out there due to foreclosures and short sales. The excess of homes and condos on the market also means prices are low.

• A new $7,500 tax credit is available for first-time home buyers until July 1. This can be used to offset the cost of a down payment.

Amit Bhuta
Real Estate Helper
Kendall Village Homes
(305) 439-3031

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

It's so nice to see a news source actually trying to get people to buy! After the bill is signed tomorrow, the first time home buyer credit has a few's hoping it works!